Step by Step Into the Light – From the Depths of Darkness…Step 1

into the lightIt was this time of the year (Autumn) in 2009 when I surrendered myself to a higher path of consciousness. At the time I had no idea what I was doing, nor where it would lead me, but I knew wholeheartdely that I could no longer continue living the same life in the same way.

Now I can look back at my life with the knowledge and experience of change and see the need for the challenges I faced to truly connect to my own humanity compassion and oneness, but at the time, I would have said I had lived a life of bad experiences.

The challenges I faced in life led me to a deep state of stress, anxiety and depression. I was a Senior Manager feeling trapped by my career, recently divorced and feeling the emotional neglect of many failed male relationships, be that with father, friend or husband and a Mother with a background of feminine scars that made me less than equipped for a stable loving mother-child bond. I had recently been given some Angel Cards and whilst I had no faith in such things I was at a loss as to what to do. I was regularly thinking of the pleasure that only death could bring and recognised that this was very close to suicidal thoughts and must change immediately.

I remember being in a fit of despair and anger yet again. I was asking my mind for the 1000th time how to stop such negative thoughts when I saw the Angel Cards. I picked them up and starting shouting at them. Fine fine, if you can do better, you have my life. I dont want it any more. Its yours. I will do whatever you tell me. Everyday. Ive made such a mess you can have it. Tell me what to do. And from that day I took one card and did as instructed. For many days I would randomly pick the same card from a pack of 44 cards. I would meditate upon the message and allow myself to feel intuitively what was asked of me. I felt strangely content. Still deeply unhappy but somehow held in a way I had never felt before. As if the Angels were really carrying me.

Within a few weeks I was constantly receiving a message to do with Chakras. Although I had always been highly sensitive and psychically aware, I had avoided all personal development on this path….of what I saw was for weirdos…and well… I was a well balanced logically minded manager….why would I have interest in such things? But I wasnt well balanced anymore and I trusted, I felt that the answer lie within my personal development long denied. I began to research Chakras and quickly found myself reading about Kundalini. After a few meditations on the Chakras I was little scared by the power of what I felt awakening within me and decided to research more thoroughly. This is how I found Kundalini Yoga. I found a class within 15 miles of my home and when I called I wasnt surprised to find the class was on the only day at the only time that I could go. Synchronicity was starting to play a big part in my life and I was awakening to the messages and signals held within such events.

I remember the first few minutes in the class wondering why there was a woman, the Teacher, sat all in white with something white on her head. I remember thinking this is definitely for weirdos…..Weirdos in White. When she started chanting to tune in I wanted to leave the class. Where was I and what was I doing? 90 minutes later I was fully engrossed in the awakening spirit within me and felt the calling I had always recognised within me. A calling to fulfill some purpose but I never knew what….and this was it. My calling was to Teach Kundalini Yoga. I knew it more intimately than I knew my own name.

I committed myself quickly to a regular, if not daily practice and began with the Kriya awakening to your 10 bodies as a 40 day set. I was unable to keep up consistent practice for 40 days but I had found a tool that could overcome my anxiety and stress and was finding my breathing and thought patterns changing dramatically. If I didnt manage a Kriya, I would at least practice 26 frogs, 3 mins stretch pose with breath of fire and life nerve stretch. I felt these quickly brought me to conscious control of my breath, and through my breath, conscious control of my mind. Within just a few weeks the anxiety pains had almost gone completely and I was consciously expanding my lungs and breathing into my full capacity. I found out that anxiety, stress and depression is commonly associated with shallow breathing and reversing this cycle, taking in a maximum amount of oxygen as opposed to a minimum level, has, understandably, remarkable effects on physical and mental health. It was so simple. Breath. That was all I had to do. All I had to focus on to change my negative spiral into darkness. I had taken a step on the spiral towards light.

For more information on Kundalini Yoga, please visit

Do you accept psychological imbalance and stress as being part of todays lifestyle?

It seems to me that negative, disruptive or chaotic thoughts have become accepted as the norm of life today.  I am interested in your thoughts on the matter.  Is it expected?  Should we accept this as the norm for humanity?

Fibonacci Sequence Explained – How can understanding Fibonacci lead to Success?

Fibonacci for SuccessThe Fibonacci Sequence, or Golden ratio, is a phenomenon of growing interest, but how can knowledge of the mathematical equation of creation help you achieve your goals?

The Fibonacci Sequence, otherwise known as Golden ration or Golden mean is a mathematical equation found in everything in our universe.  It is in your DNA, in the growing pattern of plants and trees, weather patterns and even galaxies.  It is a mathematical equation through which creation takes form as a manifest object.

The Fibonacci sequence is often shown as a spiral but can also be demonstrated through the fractal geometry of the mandelbrot set.  I recommend watching a video on youtube as this will help you to visualise the reality of the infinite creative pattern.  As a wave principle, the Golden Mean is seen as 5 waves forward, 3 waves backwards.  Whether it is a spiral, wave or fractal, the patterns demonstrate the infinite pattern of creation.  It is an endless equation, from the infinite to the infinite.

So what does this mean for you?

Several magnificent practical tools can be applied to your life once you understand this equation.   First and foremost, consider the fact that everything in our universe is created with this sequence.  Even the financial markets show this trend.  As far as we know, we cannot change it.  It has even been called the code of  GOD.

No doubt you have heard and experienced the saying, 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. Well thats not far away from the truth.  Life is a spiral, and to create this spiral there is a constant expansion and contraction between 1 and 0 which is weighted towards the 1 at the ratio of 0.618, or Phi.  This means that no matter what you do, your life will follow this pattern.  In the inifintely small moment to the grand scale of your life, and of your infinite existence, this pattern will be evident.  The only control you have is how quickly your goals come to fruition and how you feel about the constant fluctuations between moving forwards and backwards.

Now when I speak of time, as in, how quickly you achieve your goals, I would like you to remain mindful of this 0.618 forward motion, for it exists in every moment.  So, to an extent, you cannot influence the speed at which creation is manifest.  But equally you can.  Its one of those paradox concepts that exist in nature.   What you can influence is where it is going and this in essence affects the speed.

For instance, lets assume that you are currently an individual who smokes, drinks and suffers strong bouts of emotions and stress.  You commit to a life of your dreams, to your ultimate potential in this life, to your destiny and you believe that your destiny is a lifestyle of health and balance, but right now your behaviour, thoughts and emotions are nowhere near that level of existence.

You commit from the centre of your being and you hold that commitment in the face of every challenge, in the face of every backwards  wave. The leaps forward and backwards are likely to be rather erratic, taking huge leaps forward and backwards, if you are currently no-where near that potential but you are showing a strength of commitment and character that allows the forward motion to propel you into your true nature.  But the likely hood is, that if you are nowehere near this vibrational level of existence, your commitment will waver and be pointing in many different directions, trying on different experiences and learning along the way, so the end vision, the percieved destiny is in a state of fluctuation between ‘I want it, I can do it’, and ‘I dont care, I want a drink and im off to the pub’.

The true reality is that within the fabric of what you are, within your soul, you are always that true potential.  I will discuss the soul further in tomorrows blog when we consider the research conducted on the weight of the soul.  For now, lets assume you believe in the soul.  Whether you believe or not, it is there as science has now proven.

The concept of needing to leap forward to reach your potential is only a construct of the mind.  In actual fact, all you need to do is let down all of your barriers to your true state.  You do not need to create something outside of the self.  You need only to remove the self made barriers and blockages to your true nature.  Of course, the removal of such barriers will once again manifest in reality as this spiral.  Physically, emotionally and intellectually you will grow and develop in a cycle of back and forth.  So there is no point in judging where you are on the spiral, what challanges you face, or how quickly things are unfolding.  All you can do is hold your commitment to your goal and watch the waves with awareness.

Be mindful of how these waves affect you and capitalize upon them.  When are you emotional? When are you positive or negative? When do you feel tired and when are you full of energy?  There will be a pattern.  It exists in every moment but when you watch the pattern daily, weekly and monthly within the concepts of time, you can see how and when you may want to schedule certain activities.  You can allow the frustration of percieved failure to fall away because you understand that you cannot fail, you can only direct the course of the spiral, commit and live with awareness.

Another tool to consider here is the 1 and 0 principle.  As I mentioned earlier, life is a constant expansion and contraction between 1 and 0 as expressed in a mathemtical sequence of 0.618.   It is the mind that creates our reality, and again the science behind this will be looked at in more depth later this week and applied to the 1 and 0 principle.  For now, consider

What is your highest goal right now?

What barriers and blockages does your mind create to the achievement of this goal?

How do these barriers manifest in your behaviour, thoughts and emotions?

Can you imagine the possibilities of the impossible?

What barriers and blockages does your mind create in response to this concept?

Can you commit to a path of releasing your fears?

If you cant commit, can you intend to commit?  Thereby empowering yourself to find the tools that will lead you to strengthen your commitment.

This weeks blogs will continue to explain and expand upon how to empower yourself to succeed. We will consider

The Science of the Infinite Soul

How you Manifest your thoughts into your Reality

Success through Group Consciousness

Strengthening Commitment

Releasing Fears

Living in a changing landscape of 1 to 0 and 0 to 1 – Zero Point

Conflict and Creativity

The first and foremost step is Commitment.  Yogi Bhajan said we are meant to commit, hence commit-ment.  It is considered the first of 7 steps to happiness and leads to character.    Now, through the exploration of the scientific principle of  Fibonacci, you know why commitment is so important.  Its all you have to direct the focus of your spiral.  Grow your will, commit, hold your awareness and let go of judgement.

Power – Have you got what you need?


If your running low on vitality, positivity and creaitivity, its probably time to take back your Power

This article assumes you havent learnt the Power of the Breath in your life, but if you have, cool, you will probably want to read something else to be honest…..If, however, your typical day consists of highs and lows that you feel are a little too erratic, please read on…..  

The internet is full of tips, tools and practices for correct breathing but do you know why we Yogis and the like keep talking about it?  Do you have the slightest idea of the power of the breath and how it can transform your life and your abiility to succeed?

Take your standard daily routine. How many times in one day do you feel like you need to hit something, or at least have a good rant?  Stress has become part of the fabric of our lives, and our lives are incredibly challenging these days.  With increasing pressure to perform and diminishing resources, its no wonder that many of us learn to breath backwards.


Many people learn to breath backwards, which may explain the significant rise in health problems, psychological disorders and generally experiencing powerful emotions that go beyond the challenge of the moment.  Breathing which is shallow, or chest breathing, only uses a fraction of the lung capacity.  It cuts you off from your own natural energy reservoir, from your innate power.

Learning to breath correctly is perhaps the most effective change you can make in your life for increasing awareness, health, vitality and overall wellbeing.  Also, it is the power of the breath that gives power to your words.  So if you want to be understood and have a strong presence, you must learn to breath correctly.  

Its not rocket science, and yet so many people would rather continue with the endless cycle of stress than to take a few moments and actually experience the benefits for themselves.  Im not going to waste my finger tips typing the benefits, instead, I challenge you to find out for yourself.

Sit or lay comfortably, preferably in a position that allows you to keep your spine straight.  This is important if you are to feel the full benefits of correct breathing.  When you squash the spine, you squash your lungs and other organs, plus you prevent the easy flow of messages from the spine to the brain. 

Now, place a hand on your abdomen and a hand on your chest.  Take a natural breath in and feel what happens with your hands.  If your abdomen moves in, towards your spine, and your chest lifts up and expands out, you are breathing backwards. Dont worry, this can be reversed with practice and the more you apply yourself, the quicker you will see the results.  Of course, with breathing, you can practice anywhere, its not like you need to get changed or take a shower first so you can empower yourself to be mindful of your breath in any situation.

Correct Breathing should be relaxed and into the lower abdomen.  Breath through your nose as this filters, warms and humidifies the air.  The nose is connected to the left and right energy centres, known as Ida and Pingala in Kundalini Yoga, which means you take energy or prana from the breath. 

When you inhale, you may find it helpful to imagine the air coming down into the lungs and filling them from three finger widths below your belly button. The lungs are like a balloon so they should expand in all directions with every breath.  Breath into the abdomen first and then into the chest. As you exhale, reverse the action, breathing our of your chest first and then down to the abdomen.  Be sure to exhale completely.  The power of the next inhale is dependant upon the power of the exhale, because of course the lungs need to be empty if they are to refill with fresh vitality for life.     

Now, if you have been breathing backwards for some time, this may feel strange and even very difficult to begin with.  Stay with it though.  This is the natural way for the body to breath and the muscles have memory which will kick into action once again with some commitment from you. 

Practice keeping your awareness on your breath and see how you feel.  When faced with a challenging situation or person, check your breath.  Chances are, if you feel tight and emotional, you have tensed your breathing into your chest once more.  

Let me know how you get on and what changes it makes to your life.  For me, it saved me.  No two ways about it. 

Why do I teach stress management? I had 2 nervous breakdowns and believe there is no need for such suffering



Im not the everday stress management consultant who learnt about stress in a classroom.  I was blessed with suffering 2 nervous breakdowns as a senior manager, for both personal and professional reasons and my life fell apart, I fell apart.  I can honestly say that despite many experiences in life that have challenged me to my core, rebuilding life after a breakdown is something I see no necessity for in life.  We do not need to suffer in the first place.  We just dont know the tools that can keep us balanced.  Through control of our mind and processing our thoughts and emotions, regardless of what life presents us, we can reach a state of inner peace and happiness.  We deserve to live this way.  We have a right to know how.

In my career I witnessed several colleagues go through the same process and try to rebuild themselves whilst taking prescription drugs.  They appeared to be less than half the person they had been before and I was little more than a shadow of my true self.

This experience led me to conclude that there has to be other ways to live.  We deserve to feel happy in our lives and to live fearlessly but how do we get there?

After several years of personal inner work to reach a state of inner peace, research in various fields and teaching individuals to harness their own true potential, I feel compelled to teach these incredible practical tools.  Teaching stress management in businesses allows a platform to reach not just one person, but many people and to change the way we view wellness.

It has become socially accepted, if not the norm to be consistently angry, frustrated, complianing, unwell, and generally pissed off with life.  I dont generally swear but I can find no other word to communicate how many people feel about life.  What we dont realise is that we actually feel this way because of our inner relationship to ourselves, and then we project it onto every experience, person and situation we find ourselves in.  Life is but a mirror of the self, if you dont like what you see, hear or feel, the only way to change is to change the self perception.

Using Eastern Philosphy, Ancient Technologies and Western Science, I teach simple and practical ways to harness the mind, to stop that incessant wittering voice in your head that judges, complains, plans, criticises, regrets and generally does not shut up for a moment.

These simple tools, such as breathing correctly, are profound and can change your life significantly for the better.  I didnt decide to teach these tools to make money, although of course I deserve to live a good life, I felt compelled to teach these tools because I believe as human beings we have a basic right to feel happy and healthy.  Dont you?

I will be offering seminars/workshops in the UK for a 3 week period in July/Aug.  If you wish to know more, please email me

Be the change!